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The “tipping pots with mixing,” gives the possibility to make the cooking process completely automatic.
It is possible to set the cooking time, temperature, and mixer speed. Once the operation is completed, the heating is stopped, and an alarm alerts the operator, who only needs to tip the pot to recover the product and direct it to distribution or packaging.
The heating is always of the “indirect” type to achieve low thermal impact cooking, essential for making creams, jams, polenta, béchamel, mashed potatoes, or sauces in general.
Baratta S.r.l. is the only company that produces automatic industrial pots with two management systems: digital or electromechanical.
The digital management system features a touchscreen panel where all cooking stages and parameters can be set, saved, and recalled, creating a recipe list that can go up to 100 recipes. This solution is recommended for kitchens that need to prepare many different recipes. Upon starting, it will be enough to call up the one corresponding to the product being cooked, and the pot will automatically carry out all the process stages.
The electromechanical system, simple and reliable, uses basic components that must be set before starting cooking. The main advantage of this solution lies in its ease of use, the easy availability of components, and the quick repair times in case of malfunction. It is definitely recommended when the recipes to be prepared are limited in number.
We produce automatic industrial pots with electric, gas, or steam heating, always with the aim of providing the customer with the widest range of choices, making our range one of the broadest on the market.
Baratta S.r.l.’s philosophy has always been focused on producing equipment that meets the legitimate needs of the customer, who must place the utmost trust in their work tools.
Our industrial pots with mixing systems are built with attention to detail, careful selection of materials and components, with maximum attention to the structure, from the thickness of the plates to ergonomics. The insulation layer makes the machine safe and optimizes energy consumption.