Sistemi di cottura professionali.

Indirect electric tilting boiling pan with mixing – PEIME

Indirect electric tilting boiling pan with mixing - PEIME high production mixing boiling pan

Indirect Electric Tilting Boiling Pan with Mixing – PEIME

Our tilting boiling pans with mixing can operate without any intervention from the operator. Once the recipe programming is set via the control panel with electromechanical components, the machine autonomously and precisely executes the entire cooking cycle, notifying the operator with an audible signal when the process is complete.

Like all professional boiling pans, the PEIME models maintain the characteristic construction of a water jacket formed by a counterwall surrounding the cooking tank. Distilled water is introduced into the water jacket, which, once heated, generates steam. This steam transfers heat to the product being cooked in a very gentle manner, thanks to the even distribution of steam across the entire surface of the tank.

The mixing arm is made of AISI 316 stainless steel and is equipped with scrapers on both the bottom and the walls of the tank.

The indirect tilting electric boiling pan with mixing PEIME models from Baratta S.r.l. range from 80 to 500 liters and are distinguished by their high robustness and reliability, as well as ease of use and cleaning.

Why should you Choose the Indirect Tilting Electric Boiling Pan with Mixing PEIME by Baratta

Baratta boiling pans are ideal for cooking food in water. The design features allow for a gentle treatment of food, making it possible to prepare soups, broths, sauces, rice, vegetables, meat, and dairy-based products. It is also possible to carry out boiling and pasteurization processes.

The versatility of the indirect electric boiling pan for producing a wide range of products makes it an essential tool in industrial kitchens aiming for impeccable results while being mindful of energy consumption.


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Features and Operation

  • Heavy duty construction
  • Indirect heating by means of armoured heating elements with water jacket
  • Phase control relay with pilot lamp
  • Electromechanical component panel controls
  • Electronic bottom temperature control with safety level
  • Control of product temperature during cooking (core probe)
  • Water jacket safety valve with pressure gauge – Pressure 0.45 Bar
  • AISI 304 stainless steel construction
  • AISI 316 stainless steel tank with rayed bottom
  • Very high thermal efficiency
  • Automatic water jacket water loading
  • Mixing with adjustable speed and possibility of reversal
  • Hundreds of cooking combinations, up to 100 recipes can be stored
  • Mixing arms with scrapers on the bottom and walls of the tank
  • Indirect cooking with mixing makes it possible to cook various types of products without them sticking to the bottom and without user intervention
  • Tilting the tub with gear motor
  • Maximum hygiene, easy cleaning
  • The PEIME series has capacities of 80 and 500 litres
The lid is made of AISI 304 stainless steel. A special device balances the weight and facilitates opening.
Models with capacities of 330, 400 and 500 litres have motorised lids with two-hand safety controls
The PEIME series is built with a panel with electromechanical components that allow precise and flexible programming. Cooking is repeated continuously and in complete autonomy.
In order to be able to handle acid products, the components in contact with the product being cooked are made of AISI 316 stainless steel. The PEIME series is supplied with Teflon scrapers plates on the bottom and walls of the tank, the core probe regulates the correct cooking temperature for each type of dish being cooked
The pressure in the water jacket is regulated by a special safety device complete with pressure gauge. The maximum pressure is 0.45 bar.
On request, we can install a quick drain valve. The DIN50 connection allows the tilting boiling pan to be connected to a container, a packaging machine or a transfer pump.

Advantages of the Indirect Electric tilting Boiling Pan with Mixing PEIME

Baratta professional boiling pans are the essential tool for optimizing work in a modern kitchen: easy to use, efficient, and cost-effective.

The PEIME tilting boiling pans with mixing offer all the benefits of fully autonomous machines. They are made of AISI 304 stainless steel, with a very robust structure that ensures reliability and long-lasting performance. The tank is equipped with a bottom made of AISI 316 stainless steel, designed to resist salt corrosion. The rounded bottom and special shape make emptying and cleaning easy. An effective insulation layer limits heat dissipation, optimizing both energy consumption and efficiency.

Once the recipe programming is set via the control panel with electromechanical components, the boiling pans autonomously complete the cooking cycle without requiring intervention from the operator.

The ability to adjust the bottom temperature, control the product’s core temperature, regulate the mixing speed, and set the cooking time gives the Baratta industrial boiling pan great flexibility and makes it an indispensable tool in any kitchen, laboratory, or food industry, while providing significant savings on operating costs.

The range is among the most complete on the market, with capacities ranging from 80 to 500 liters, allowing you to select the model that best suits your space and production needs.

For more information download the data sheet or contact our sales department

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